
Double point work-in-progress tubes.

It’s been a knitterly gadgets kind of week here at the Hillsborough Yarn Shop. Along with the Fix-a-Stitch, we also received a shipment of double point work-in-progress tubes, or DP Wip Tubes, for those who like to abbreviate. Like the Fix-a-Stitch, the DP Wip Tube solves a specific problem simply and well. Say you’re knitting a … [more]


New yarns, books, and magazines we expect. New patterns, new colorways, a new brand of needles or hooks every once in a while: sure. It is much more rare, I think, that I come here to announce a new knitterly gadget like this one. Here is the Fix-a-Stitch, a short, two-ended crochet hook for picking … [more]

Knitter’s Pride shawl pins.

The Knitter’s Pride Dreamz circular needles have quickly become our bestselling circulars, and as such, are forever being reordered. This week’s big box of Knitter’s Pride circs had something else going for it, too. Alongside the usual needles were these pretty wooden shawl pins. Like the Knitter’s Pride needles and hooks, these shawl pins are … [more]


For whatever reason, we’ve been flush with Lantern Moon shipments recently. Whether it’s a many-pocketed project bag or a splendidly shiny button, Lantern Moon seems to make all of the goodies that knitters and crocheters go for–save for yarn, of course. Our latest box from Lantern Moon brought the usual batch of Meadow Pouches, allowing … [more]

Shawl pins.

I spent a good bit of the afternoon last Thursday putting a new batch of shawl pins on display. Like buttons, shawl pins are a small detail that make a big impact on your finished project. These particular shawl pins from Shaune Bazner are lightweight, to prevent stretching your knit or crochet shawl, and range … [more]

Lavishea lotion bars.

In midsummer, with the promise of new fall yarns still months away, the tide of shipments recedes. We’re not getting boxes of yarn in the mail every day, as we do in other seasons. Instead, we are preparing for the rush of shipments that is not so far away. We put all of our yarn … [more]

Handy, indeed.

If you’ve ever walked into the shop, fallen in love with a skein of yarn and asked us, “Is this enough for a scarf?” then you’ve probably seen Anne and I consult one of these. The Knitter’s (and Crocheter’s) Handy Guide to Yarn Requirements is a little pamphlet filled with charts that are filled with … [more]